Chantal Viens: How to Create Engaging Presentations with Kritik's Live Presentation Feature

Prof. Chantal Viens from the University of Alberta shares her innovative methods for using Kritik's Live Presentation feature to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. This story highlights her strategies and experiences, offering insights into how live presentations and peer assessments can transform a classroom.

Integrating Peer Assessment in Presentations:

Prof. Veins has effectively integrated Kritik's peer assessment tools into her pedagogy courses, which are part of a small French campus within the University of Alberta. She explained how using the Live Presentation Feature has significantly improved student participation and the quality of feedback received. 

"Students engage more deeply as they know their peers will evaluate them. This system not only improves their presentation skills but also their ability to give and receive feedback."

"Using Kritik's Live Presentation feature has significantly enhanced student engagement and the quality of feedback in my courses."

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Enhancing Feedback Quality

Prof. Viens emphasized the importance of detailed and constructive feedback in developing students' skills.

The Live Presentation feature in Kritik actively engages students, improves feedback quality with structured rubrics and anonymous feedback, helps students develop critical skills, and for instructors, the automated feedback system reduces the administrative workload, making it easier to manage and improve education quality.

Activity: Group Presentation

In her course, Prof. Chantal Viens integrates a structured individual presentation activity where students are required to present a literacy strategy following the Lucy Calkins' mini-lesson model. This model includes four key steps:

1. Connection: Establishing a connection with the topic.

2. Teaching: Demonstrating the strategy.

3. Engagement: Encouraging active student participation.

4. Link: Connecting the lesson to future learning.

These presentations are evaluated through Kritik's peer assessment feature, designed to build several key skills in students, including deeper learning of concepts, higher-level reasoning, and essential soft skills like giving and receiving feedback.

Prof. Chantal Viens used a detailed and structured rubric to evaluate her students' presentations. This rubric is designed to assess various aspects of the presentations, ensuring that students are graded fairly and comprehensively. The rubric covers the following criteria:

1. Connection: This criterion evaluates how well the students establish a connection between the anecdote and the strategy being presented. 

2. Teaching: This assesses the demonstration of the strategy, requiring a clear and precise presentation of essential elements of the strategy at the highest level.

3. Engagement: This criterion looks at how effectively the proposed engagement activity reflects the teaching of the strategy. An exceptional level of engagement that incorporates the strategy taught is required for the highest score.

4. Link: This evaluates the return on the steps of the mini-lesson and the utility of the strategy. A clear and exceptional development of the strategy's usefulness is needed for the highest level.

5. Organization and Structure of the Presentation: This criterion assesses the logical order and clarity of the presentation, including the use of visual aids. For the highest level, the presentation must be logically structured with effective transitions and well-supported visual elements.

6. Quality of Language: This evaluates the grammatical and syntactical quality of the presentation. An exceptional presentation free of grammatical and syntactical errors is required for the highest level.

In the evaluation phase, Prof. Viens assigns evaluations using a 3-star rating system, where peers evaluate presentations based on the provided rubric on various criteria such as connection, teaching, engagement, and language quality. She explained how Kritik supports this process: "Students engage more deeply as they know their peers will evaluate them. This system not only improves their presentation skills but also their ability to give and receive feedback."

"Thank you for your presentation! I really liked the connection, and I think the students will like it too! For your engagement, I think you could have an image of the book cover so that all the students can see it, it was a bit difficult to see. Thank you!"

Next, is the Feedback Stage.

Feedback Comment: "Hello, You gave great feedback on the presentation. I like how you provided constructive criticism and also mentioned the strengths."

The feedback breakdown shows the following:

  • Motivational feedback received a score of 83%, indicating that the evaluations were encouraging and supportive.
  • Critical feedback received a perfect score of 100%, showing that the critiques were highly helpful, specific, and actionable.

This feedback process ensures that students not only recognize their strengths but also receive the guidance needed to make meaningful improvements.

With Kritik's peer assessment tools, Prof. Chantal Viens has successfully managed a quick 1-day turnaround for evaluations in her class of 31 students, maintaining a grade dispute rate of less than 1%, demonstrating how Kritik's Live Presentation feature can transform the classroom experience.

Try Kritik Now!

Interested in enhancing your students' analytical skills and engagement with peer assessment? Try creating your own course on Kritik here. 

Chantal Viens
Chantal Viens
University of Alberta
Associate Teaching Professor

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