Leadership Skills
in Business Courses
Use peer assessment to provide an engaging
and inclusive learning experience.
Join over 200,000 users across 250+ institutions using Kritik

Why do Business Schools partner with Kritik?
Improves Grading Efficiency
Kritik enables instructors to use templates and evaluation rubrics for formative assignments with minimal manual work saving time and encouraging quality responses.
Builds Essential Soft Skills
Kritik enables instructors to design group and individual assignments supporting multiple pedagogical approaches building leadership and soft skills that prepare them for the workforce.
Drives Student Engagement
Kritik enables an interactive peer learning experience that incentivizes students by making them accountable for each others’ learning and engaged with their course content till the end.
Here’s what Instructors using Kritik have to say
“I was able to improve student engagement in my class with 1600+ students”
Alex Gainer
Associate Lecturer of Economics
University of Alberta
“I was able to administer timely and personalized feedback in less than 3 days!”
Thomas Holloway
Associate Professor of Finance
University of Calgary
“My students learned to embrace developmental feedback.”
Sam Staley
Director, DeVoe Moore Center
Florida State University
Peer Assessment Use Cases

Peter Johnson
Associate Professor of Marketing
Fordham University

Brian Hoyt
Professor of Management
Ohio University

Francine Guice
Special Lecturer of Management
Oakland University

Mohamed Rali Badissy
Assistant Professor of Law
Pennsylvania State University
How we make a difference
Student Reflections on Kritik
My critical thinking skills improved
as a result of using Kritik.
My communication skills improved
as a result of using Kritik.
I learned by evaluating my peers’
work using Kritik.

Kritik allowed me to quickly receive
personalized feedback on my work.
Peer Assessment Case Study

Less Time Grading, More Time Coaching
Book a personalized walkthrough of Kritik with our experts
to see how we can make the tool work for you!