One of the most significant topics in education right now is the new reality of generative AI, specifically platforms like ChatGPT. As we approach the first full school year with these tools at professors’ and students’ fingertips, many wonder what this new norm will look like and how instructors and educational institutions can leverage these platforms.
Fill out the form to hear our first Lunch 'n' Learn Series of the Summer of 2023 with Instructional Designer Evelyn Morris. These 45-minute sessions will be happening twice a week. These sessions will be focusing on relevant Edtech topics that will help you to do some light and exciting professional development over the holidays.
What to expect:
- Walkthrough of ChatGPT as a platform and a tool
- Activity: Creating Effective ChatGPT Prompts for Instructional Design
- Examples of Institutions and Professors Using ChatGPT
- Setting student expectations with AI
- Best practices for leveraging AI

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